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How to lay your turf

Instant turf needs to be in the ground so laying your turf as soon as it arrives will give it the best chance to thrive in its new environment.

There are many companies that offer turf installation services so if you are looking to have your turf installed for you, feel free to call us and we can put you in touch with an installer in your area.

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When your turf arrives, lay it as soon as possible

Start by laying along a straight edge and choose an edge that which will enable you to keep laying without walking over the turf that you have laid. If it is a hot day, start watering as soon as you can, even if you start in sections.

Lay turf slabs in brick pattern

Lay the slabs in a brick pattern which means stagger the joins to help hold the moisture in. Tuck the ends of the slabs in to again help keep the moisture in. 

Cut the edges with a shovel or garden shears

Use a shovel edge or sharp garden blade to cut the edges. Use the off cut pieces to fill any gaps that you have. Again make sure that the edges are tucked in to help prevent moisture loss.

If you do have access to a roller you can roll the lawn. Rolling helps the new lawn roots make contact with the ground and can assist with establishment.

Water your lawn

As soon as your lawn is laid, start watering. If it is a hot day you should start watering as soon as you can, you don't need to wait until you have finished to start watering.

Turf Varieties

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